08 Feb 2025,05:35 hours IST

Monsoon has hit India…Frogs have started croaking… Search is on…
Currently, 250 members have registered themselves through Lost! Amphibians of India (LAI) initiative  website. In 2011, the initiative has already conducted four expeditions to four localities (please see below). In the next four months, amphibian researchers and amphibian lovers will carry out expeditions throughout India. Photos and news will be posted on Lost! Amphibians facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lost-Amphibians-of-India/126212394110450 after each field expedition.

Members may please contact the LAI coordinator at lostamphibians@gmail.com for joining the expeditions in the following four months (especially those who have chosen their species of interest).

LAI has received grant approval from the IUCN/ASG and CEPF for financial support, and has submitted a few more applications for grant support. However, the grants are yet to come through and the expeditions are being conducted through members’ initiative and generous spirit.

>>> List of registered members (142 till 08 June 2011)
Abhilasha Nehra 1 Undergraduate student at St Stephen’s College, University of Delhi
Abhinav Garg 2 Masters student in Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Abhishek Jain 3 Awaiting affiliation
Aishwarya Lakshmi 4 Undergraduate student studying Zoology at Hans Raj College, University of Delhi
Albert Rajendran 5 Teacher and Herpetology researcher at St. John’s College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu
Amarnath Reddy Y 6 PhD student at Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Andhra Pradesh
Amit Pant 7 Undergraduate student of Zoology at SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
Amitoj Singh 8 M.A. Environmental Studies, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Ananth 9 Awaiting affiliation
Anil Zachariah 10 Veterinary surgeon by profession and has been studying the amphibians of Western Ghats
Andres F Jaramillo 11 Awaiting affiliation
Animish Mandrekar 12 Working for an Indian pharmaceutical company involved in clinical research, Mumbai
Anirudh Agrawal 13 Doctoral student at HEC, Paris
Aniruha Giri 14 Teacher and researcher in Department of Life Science Bioinformatics, Assam University
Ankit Kumar 15 Graduate in B.Com with an avid interest in wildlife and nature from Bihar
Aravind N A 16 Researcher at ATREE, Bangalore
Ashish Thomas 17 PhD student in Systematics Lab, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Ashra Mughal 18 Awaiting affiliation
Ashutosh Kr Singh 19 Awaiting affiliation
Atika Chandra 20 Teacher and researcher at Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
Barkha Subba 21 PhD Scholar doing research on amphibians of Sikkim Himalayas at ATREE, Bangalore
Bert Willaert 22 PhD student at VUB and University of Delhi
Bharat Bhushan S 23 Pstgraduate in Zoology, wildlife researcher with an interest in photography
Biju S D  24 Amphibian researcher in Systematics Lab, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Caesar Sengupta 25 Medical Doctor, ardent nature lover and wildlife photographer
Cara Tejpal 26 Awaiting affiliation
Ashwin Baindur 27 Army officer and a naturalist from Pune
David Gower 28 Herpetology researcher at the Natural History Museum, London
David V Raju 29 Naturalist from Kerala working on amphibians
Deepti Rathi 30 Undergraduate student at Maitreyi College, University of Delhi
Devender Arora 31 Awaiting affiliation
Dhanya R 32 Undergraduate student studying Biochemistry at Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi
Dinal Samarasinghe 33 Bachelor’s student and an amateur amphibian researcher at Herpetological Foundation Sri Lanka
Dinesh K P 34 Amphibian researcher at the Western Ghats Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India
Dipankar Dutta 35 PhD student at Arya Vidyapeeth College, Assam
Don Church 36 President and Director of Global Wildlife Conservation, USA
Franky Bossuyt 37 Amphibian researcher at Amphibian Evolution Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels
Ganesan R 38 Researcher at ATREE, Bangalore
Gargi Sircar 39 PhD student working on amphibians at Systematics Lab, University of Delhi
Gaurav G Shimpi 40 Research student at NCCS, Pune and also involved in collaborative work with BNHS
Gaurav Vashistha 41 Graduate student in SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
Geetoshree G 42 PhD student at Arya Vidyapeeth College, Assam
Geoff Hall  43 General Curator at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo in Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Girish Janney 44 Teacher and researcher at Kuvempu University, Karnataka
Gopinath S 45 Graphic designer and faculty of photojournalism at Pondicherry University
Gururaja K V 46 Amphibian Researcher at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Hareesh Joshy S 47 Amphibian Researcher at Department of Zoology, St. Aloysius College in Mangalore
Harish Kulkarni 44 Awaiting affiliation
Harpreet Kaur 45 Master’s student in Systematics Lab, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Himanshu Sehgal 46 B.Tech graduate from M.I.E.T, Meerut with an interest in animal science & immunology
Hiragond N C 47 Assistant Professor in Zoology at Yashwant Rao Chavan College, Maharashtra
Harish Kulkarni 48 Awaiting affiliation
Harpreet Kaur 49 Masters student in Systematics Lab, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Himanshu Sehgal 50 B.Tech graduate from M.I.E.T, Meerut with an interest in animal science & immunology
Hiragond N C 51 B.Tech graduate from M.I.E.T, Meerut with an interest in animal science & immunology
Himanshu Sehgal 52 B.Tech graduate from M.I.E.T, Meerut with an interest in animal science & immunology
Himanshu Sehgal 53 B.Tech graduate from M.I.E.T, Meerut with an interest in animal science & immunology
Jaffer Palot 51 Assistant Professor in Zoology at Yashwant Rao Chavan College, Maharashtra
Hopeland 52 Currently pursuing M.Sc. Ecology from Salim Ali School of Ecology, Pondicherry
Indraneil Das 53 Professor and herpetology researcher at Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak
Ines Van Bocxlaer 54 Amphibian researcher at Amphibian Evolution Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels
Jaffer Palot 55 Wildlife researcher at the Western Ghats Field Research Station, Zoological Survey of India
Jissa G Krishna 56 Postdoctoral fellow working on amphibians at NCBS, Bangalore
Joshi L Haokip 57 Masters student in Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Juha Merilä 58 Professor, Ecological Genetics Research Unit, Department of Biosciences, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland
Kalyan Varma 59 Awaiting affiliation
Kamei G M 60 Joint Commissioner, Central Excise, Delhi
Karthik S 61 Software engineer, an amateur bird watcher and photographer from Coimbatore
Kaushalika 62 Awaiting affiliation
Kaushik Deuti 63 Amphibian researcher at Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata
Keshav Kumar Jha 64 Master’s student in Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Karen Silva 65 Awaiting affiliation
Komal Katyal 66 Teacher and researcher at Gowani Govt. College, Rajasthan
Kshamata Gaikwad 67 Awaiting affiliation
Kumar Manish 69 Master’s student in Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Lav Tripathi 70 Research fellow at Recombinant Gene Product Group, ICGEB, New Delhi
Laura Pinto 71 Awaiting affiliation
Lilly M Eluvathingal 72 PhD student under Professor Maureen A Donnelly, Florida International University, Miami
Madan Kumar K 73 Wildlife enthusiast and photographer from Bangalore
Mark Wilkinson 67 Amphibian researcher and an expert on caecilians at Natural History Museum, London
Marija Vasiljevic 68 Undergraduate student of biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Milivoje Krvava 69 PhD student from Serbia
Mitali Chetia 70 Research scholar at Herpetological Research Lab, Arya vidyapeeth College, Guwahati
Mohnish Kapoor 71 Awaiting affiliation
Mona Mansoori 72 Awaiting affiliation
Maheswaran G 73 Zoological Survey of India, Itanagar
M.  Meegaskumbura 74 University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Madan Kumar K 75 Wildlife enthusiast and photographer from Bangalore
Malikarjun S C 76 Awaiting affiliation
Mark Wilkinson 77 Amphibian researcher and an expert on caecilians at Natural History Museum, London
Marija Vasiljevic 78 Undergraduate student of biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Milivoje Krvava 79 PhD student from Serbia
Mitali Chetia 80 Research scholar at Herpetological Research Lab, Arya vidyapeeth College, Guwahati
Mittal Gala 81 Working in Ranthambhore with an interest in reptiles and amphibians
Manohar K Jha 82 Undergraduate student studying Zoology at Khalsa College, University of Delhi
Mohnish Kapoor 83 M.Sc. Biodiversity and Conservation at GGSIP University, Delhi
Mona Mansoori 84 Awaiting affiliation
Mridu P Phukon 85 Awaiting affiliation
Namit Pathak 86 Undergraduate student studying Zoology at Hans Raj College, University of Delhi
Namita Nayyar 87 M.Sc Zoology, University of Delhi
Nandan S R 88 Lab Assistant in Systematics Lab, University of Delhi
Navneet Kumar 89 Undergraduate student at Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi
Nirmal U Kulkarni 90 Goa based field ecologist, conservationist and a nature photographer
Nishant 91 Awaiting affiliation
Oommen V O 92 Amphibian researcher, former Professor and Head of Dept. of Zoology, University of Kerala
Pawan Kumar 93 Undergraduate student studying Zoology at Hans Raj College, University of Delhi
Peter Sabo 94 Awaiting affiliation
Pooja Rathod 95 Pursuing B.Sc. Environmental Science from Pune
Pramod Kumar Y 96 Masters student in Biodiversity and Conservation at GGSIP University, Delhi
Prashanth P 97 A caecilian researcher currently working in Agumbe
P Balasubramanian 98 Awaiting affiliation
Navneet Kumar 89 Undergraduate student at Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi
Pratyush 99 Associated with Systematics Lab for Masters dissertation and currently working with DPCC, Delhi
Pulak Kashyap 100 Undergraduate student studying Hindi at Hans Raj College, University of Delhi
R G Kamei 101 PhD scholar at Systematics Lab, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Rahul Kapoor 102 Awaiting affiliation
Rajesh Tandon 103 Associate Professor and researcher at University of Delhi
Ramachandran K 104 College teacher and researcher working on subterranean limbless amphibians
Ranjana Pal 105 Awaiting affiliation
Ramit Singal 106 Awaiting affiliation
Rashmi S 107 Masters student in Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Ravichandra M 108 PhD student, Department of Ecology &  Environmental Sciences, Pondicherry University
Richa Bahuguna 109  Undergraduate student of Zoology at Hans Raj College, University of Delhi
Ricky R S 110 Undergraduate student at Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi
Ritesh Nai 111 Awaiting affiliation
Robin Moore 112
Amphibian Conservation Officer at Conservation International, USA
Robin Suyesh 113 PhD scholar, Systematics Lab, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Rohan Pandit 114 Awaiting affiliation
Sachinandan D 115 M.Phil. student in Oceanography and Coastal Management at Jadavpur University, Kolkata
Sandeep Das 116 Post graduate student in Zoology from Farook college, Calicut with interest in frog photography
Sachin Rai 117 Ardent nature lover and wildlife photographer from Mumbai
Saibal Sengupta 118 Amphibian researcher and faculty at Department of Zoology, Arya Vidyapeeth College, Assam
Samuel Sawian 119 Awaiting affiliation
Sandeep Varma 120 Computer bachelor turned naturalist from Cochin, Kerala. Docent at Madras Crocodile Bank
Sanjeev K Sahu 121 Masters student in Environmental Studies, University of Delhi
Sankar V S 122 Awaiting affiliation
Saunak P Pal 123 Herpetological researcher, Centre for Ecological Sciences, IISc, Bangalore
Seshadri K S 124 Master student in Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences at Pondicherry University
Sharmistha Roy 125 Masters student Calcutta University, West Bengal
Shovit Ranjan 126 Awaiting affiliation
Shrey Bahuguna 127 A class 10 student of Frank Anthony Public School, Delhi
Sonali Garg 128 PhD student at Systematics Lab, Department of Environmental Biology, University of Delhi
Sreekanth K M 129 Integrated masters student at IISER, Trivandrum
Stephen Mahony 130 PhD student working on amphibians of Southeast Asia at Systematics Lab, University of Delhi
Sushil K Singh 131 Graduate student of life sciences from Sri Venkateswara college, University of Delhi.
Swamynathan B 132 Awaiting affiliation
Taigor S R 133 Conservation Biology, School of Studies in Zoology, Jiwaji University Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
Timothy T G 134 Senior Divisional Personnel Officer, Lumding Division, NF Railways
Tony Gamble 135 Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Minnesota
Varad Giri 136 An amphibian researcher and Curator of Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai
Vasanth Asokan  137 Coimbatore based wildlife photographer who loves nature
Vetso Koza 138 Nagaland based nature lover, associated with several amphibian expeditions along with Chun
Vijayakumar S P 139 PhD Scholar working on Western Ghats bush frogs at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Vipin Vyas  140 Department of Limnology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal
Vivek P C 141 An amphibian and reptile enthusiast pursuing B.Sc. at St. Philomena’s College, Mysore
Vivek Ranjan 142 B.Sc. student of SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi

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  2011 January 7
In search of Rao's lost species
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  2011 January 7
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  2011 January 10
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